Morning Drivers!
I know . . . I should be writing to you about cars; but as you can likely tell from the very few posts my brain is all baby all the time these days.
I am two days overdue - really not a big deal - and so against my better judgement turned to a book that was given to me as a gift when I first got pregnant to read what was up on 2 days overdue.
"The Pregnancy Countdown Book" by Susan Magee with Kara Nakisbendi, MD provides one page of tips, tricks, life from the trenches advice per day of your pregnancy. It's relative pocket size, cute blue and pink colouring and quotes from real mom's would lead the casual observer to think it's a fun companion for any new mom.
That would be a big misconception. Each day is filled with worse case scenarios and cautionary tales. According to this book I was supposed to be fat and miserable and hate my husband and most of the world throughout my pregnancy. Right now I should be preparing for post partum blues because being overdue I have no other option as I'm clearly miserable and feel like a failure. The description of labour and various procedures was enough to make me almost throw up they were so harrowing and the lists of long lasting side effects and healing pains from labour has not checked out with any mother I've spoken to.
By the way, if you're reading this and recognize it as the book you gave me, sorry for the bad review, but please take comfort that based on the cover I would have happily bought it for someone too!
So how to link this back to cars and car buying? Well, you can read all the car reviews you want, or find the perfect colour of cherry red; but frankly until you've taken it for a spin you'll never know if it's a great fit!
Wish me luck and Happy Driving!
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